Start Your SPRING Garden Today! New Installs Span: January-April
Start Your SPRING Garden Today! New Installs Span: January-April
Worms. Wiggley little creatures that are the charmers of the organic gardener. They are quiet, ambitious workers that get all types of attention once they decide to surface your gardens subsoil. Earthworms are known for their natural abilities to eat their way through your soil while creating a rich deposits of excrement as a gift to you.
Worms. Wiggley little creatures that are the charmers of the organic gardener. They are quiet, ambitious workers that get all types of attention once they decide to surface your gardens subsoil. Earthworms are known for their natural abilities to eat their way through your soil while creating a rich deposits of excrement as a gift to you. These excrements are known as worm castings and boast a rich web of nutrients and organic materials used by plants. Not only are worms great for your flower and vegetable gardens, the sight of worms in the subsurface of your lawn is a key indicator of the amazing food web being built in your soil. As we service your landscape we look out for our little amazing friends. They are the fierce workers that help keep your lawns and gardens looking beautiful. So let us CHEER to worms!
Like many people around the world, the smell of coffee brewing first thing in the morning arouses a joyous and balancing sensation. This harmonious sensation is perhaps the same in the case with worms as they slither around your soil and encounter coffee grounds. JOY! Worms LOVE coffee, and so do plants! The addition of recycled coffee gr
Like many people around the world, the smell of coffee brewing first thing in the morning arouses a joyous and balancing sensation. This harmonious sensation is perhaps the same in the case with worms as they slither around your soil and encounter coffee grounds. JOY! Worms LOVE coffee, and so do plants! The addition of recycled coffee grounds to your garden or lawn entice the worms to move about, digging and happily aerating your soils. The presence of coffee grounds also help to improve soil structure and nutrients. So if you see me happily spraying and throwing items around your lawn, there's a good chance that I'm spreading grounds of love to your plants and our friend, the worm!
Compost teas are the bread and butter of organic lawn care. They are the main squeeze. They are the life source. They are the creme de la creme. They are...Okay, I think you get it! Yes, compost teas represent the chief player in organic soil amendments. They are composed of millions of microorganisms that go to work hydrating, feeding, a
Compost teas are the bread and butter of organic lawn care. They are the main squeeze. They are the life source. They are the creme de la creme. They are...Okay, I think you get it! Yes, compost teas represent the chief player in organic soil amendments. They are composed of millions of microorganisms that go to work hydrating, feeding, and even fighting off the bad guys in your soil. Liken compost tea to rest, proper nutrition, and exercise for the human body. Having these elements as your foundation to build a healthy life is similar to applying compost tea to a landscape; it boosts and sustains your soil food web. The soil is less likely to become sick or diseased with such a foundation. For this reason, compost teas are our go-to's.
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